How to avoid the 5 biggest commercial carpet cleaning mistakes

Most people don’t give commercial carpet cleaning much thought. They walk into an office or retail store and expect the carpet to be spotless because it is every time they go there. How hard can it be, right? Mix up some cleaning agent with water, pour it into a fancy machine, and presto; clean carpet.

Hang on, it’s not that easy. Consider that carpet in a commercial establishment is a significant investment. The carpet alone carries a big price tag, not to mention added expense for the pad and installation. It is important, therefore, to keep carpet in the best possible condition for as long as you can. Doing so requires a strategic cleaning regime that employs the right products and efficient execution.

In the midst of such a big undertaking, however, there are bound to be mistakes. To help you avoid the worst of them, here are five of the most common commercial carpet cleaning mistakes.

  1. Over-saturating the carpet

If a cleaning machine does not have adequate suction to pull out all of the moisture, the carpet remains soaking wet and if left that way for more than 24 hours can start to wrinkle and buckle up. Even more concerning is mold taking hold, and mold is a direct cause of serious health problems.

  1. Using the wrong cleaner – carpet cleaning mistakes

If a cleaning tech is unaware of or not properly trained in the use of a qualified cleaning solution, bad things can happen to your carpet. For example, if a solvent is used in the cleaning process but it is not extracted soon enough, the solvent will bubble and eat away at the carpet backing and pad.

  1. Chameleon carpet

Kudos for your DIY motivation but over-the-counter spot cleaners are trouble in a bottle. Many “regular” cleaners contain bleaching agents that will instantly discolor a carpet or make it lighter than the rest. In fact, if two different spot cleaners are mixed, the carpet’s fibers can react by turning the carpet blue or green or red.

  1. Skipping the pre-scrub

It might not seem necessary or feels like too much of a hassle but a pre-scrub or pre-spray of the carpet loosens dirt and grime in preparation for the main cleaning. Without a pre-scrub, it takes many additional passes and leaves the carpet wet for a long time, increasing the chances of mold.

  1. Know the difference between maintenance and restoration

Regular maintenance cleaning naturally does not require as much time or the level of chemicals needed for a more intensive restoration clean. Maintenance cleaning should be a straightforward process completed in a reasonable time frame depending on square footage. Fully restoring carpet to its former glory demands a different and more involved system in order to adequately do the job.

Keep in mind that maintaining a clean carpet is a sound investment and your best approach is to partner with a reputable and experienced professional service.

For more information on avoiding carpet cleaning mistakes, contact The Resh Company at (410) 780-9800 or


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