Restorative Cleaning vs. Maintenance Cleaning

There are two main categories of commercial carpet cleaning that businesses inquire about. The first is restorative cleaning, which is usually a one-time process designed to “restore” aged carpet. The second is maintenance cleaning, which involves routine cleaning to keep carpets looking fresh. Both options have their benefits, and ideally, they should be combined to … Continued

Which Commercial Entry Mats Should You Buy?

Between salt, snow, ice and other chemicals used on parking lots and roads – entrances in a commercial facility can get messy. It can also become hazardous for visitors when the melted slush is tracked into your building. Then it dries, leaving a crusty white stain throughout your building. Left untreated, these chemical stains can … Continued

Why Commercial Buildings Need Commercial Carpet Cleaning Services

Commercial buildings receive significantly more foot traffic than residences. They require specialty flooring that can withstand this abuse, and that flooring must be well-maintained. Commercial carpet cleaning services are specially designed to preserve your investment and keep your building looking its best. Here is a look at why commercial carpet cleaning should be left up … Continued

Resh Commercial Carpet Care Demonstrates Cleaning Showroom Carpet

The Resh Company demonstrates our advanced commercial carpet cleaning methods to remove extreme stains and restore damaged carpets. Our advanced cleaning product is 100% detergent free and does not leave a residue. Splits any non-solid organic molecule to remove extreme stains from carpet. The demonstration shows our advanced technology equipment alongside the revolutionary cleaning product … Continued